Solving the bi-fold door problem
​  Our first products are focused on one of the most frustrating repeat repairs - the bi-fold door. Bi-fold doors are a space saving, low cost door for closets. Unfortunately, some weaknesses in the design become all too apparent in hard use, rental property situations.  The Sentinel Bi-fold Door Stop™ kit resolves those issues. The Sentinel is not another repair product. The Sentinel actually prevents most of the damage and wear that requires repeated work orders. We took an out of the box look at the problem, and came up with a real solution. The Sentinel acts directly on the door, preventing the door movements that damage the track, pins and door panels.

*Patent pending             

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To receive a free sample Sentinel, just fill out the contact form below, email us, or message us on Facebook. We will send you a Sentinel Bi-fold Door Stop™ for evaluation*.

*Multi-family property management companies only.
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